On a sunny August 16, 2019, Alan Urmeneta, Darren Auramenko, Brant Craig, and Frank Koch embarked on an unforgettable fishing adventure near Mission, British Columbia. Joined by their skilled adventure guide, Darren Mulrooney, they were about to experience a thrill of a lifetime that would leave them with a story to tell for generations.

The day started like any other, with high hopes and eager anticipation. But little did they know, the Fraser River had a colossal surprise waiting for them. After just a few hours on the water, Alan felt a strong tug on his line. What followed was a heart-pounding 40-minute battle against a true river giant. Every ounce of strength, skill, and determination was put to the test as the team worked together to reel in their catch.

When they finally landed the magnificent white sturgeon, the sheer size of the creature left them in awe. Measuring an astonishing 345.44 cm in length (fork length) and 154.94 cm in girth, this behemoth stretched an impressive 11’4″. As they tagged the fish for the Fraser River Sturgeon Conservation Society (FRSCS) monitoring and assessment program, they realized the significance of their catch. This was one of the largest ‘tag and released’ white sturgeons ever recorded on the Fraser River, a testament to the thriving aquatic life in these waters.

One of the largest ever recorded and tagged sturgeon on the Fraser river.

This ancient sturgeon, likely a female, was estimated to be over 100 years old and weighed a staggering 800 lbs. The team’s excitement was palpable as they marveled at the living dinosaur they had the privilege to encounter. The experience was not just about the size of the catch but also about contributing to the conservation efforts of these majestic creatures.

A special thanks goes out to Caldic Canada for joining us on this incredible journey and providing us the opportunity to engage with such an extraordinary specimen. Their support and enthusiasm added to the memorable experience, making this adventure one for the record books.

This remarkable day on the Fraser River serves as a reminder of the wonders that lie beneath the surface and the importance of preserving these natural treasures for future generations. Whether you’re an avid angler or a nature enthusiast, the thrill of encountering one of the river’s giants is an experience that will leave you spellbound and inspired.

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